Our Mission
1- Establish laws against underage marriages, unlawful marriages (Imam marriage) and to support civil marriage.
2- Establish laws against abuse/violence towards women and children.
3- Stand against the “covering system” of Iraqi women exclusively and develop a law to give mothers the right to issue passports for their children.
4- Provide daycare centers and strengthen the child protection law.
Our Vision
1- Providing a forum for discussion and democratic urban dialogue. And Highlighting successful female figures in Iraq and the world as their role model.
2- Modify and correct some of the misconceptions that exist in our Iraqi society. And To challenge the difficult circumstances faced by all Iraqi women at home and abroad and support them to succeed in their lives
3- Expanding and building bridges of communications and knowledge between women inside and outside Iraq, and encouraging intellectuals to participate in community workshops. As well as, raising awareness to liberate Iraqi women from costumes and traditions.
4- Urge Iraqi woman and girls to complete their secondary education (high School diploma) and make it as a minimum requirement.

We will do, what we are expert in
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